Emotion Regulation
Children and Adolescents
Award winners:
The members of the ERICA Lab have been recipients of several local and national awards, including the grants from the APA Division 53 and APF and CHADD and NIMH and NICHD.
In the media:
Television Appearances:
“ADHD awareness month,” WPBT Your South Florida: https://video.wpbt2.org/video/adhd-awareness-month-4twooh/
“Conozca programa para ninos autistas y deficit de atencion en FIU,” Univision 23: http://mv.univision.com/video/481418/conozca-programa-para-ninos-autistas-y-deficitde-atencion-en-fiu?channelId=12250
Radio Appearances:
“New study on foster care,” WLRN Sundial: https://www.wlrn.org/2021-02-01/congressman-carlos-gimenez-new-study-on-foster-care-gyms-during-covid-19
Print/Digital Articles:
CHADD's Attention Magazine recenlty featured Dr. Musser's story The (Un)Surprising Emotional Nature of ADHD on its cover!
The Washington Post and several other media outlets recently interviewed Dr. Musser about her work on family factors and their influence on ADHD. More here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2016/02/09/overly-critical-parenting-linked-with-persistent-adhd-in-kids/
The Huffington Post and several other media outlets have recently shown interest in Dr. Musser's work on ADHD biologically-based "subtyping", with several collaborators at OHSU, including Dr. Sarah Karalunas (as lead author). More here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/10/adhd-classification-in-kids_n_5573999.html
Univision 23 (Miami Univision station--Spanish Language) recently interviewed Drs. Musser and Gutierrez about the Center for Children and Families' Treatment Programs for Autism and ADHD, as well as Dr. Musser's recent research on the shared familial transmission of these disorders. More here: http://mv.univision.com/video/481418/conozca-programa-para-ninos-autistas-y-deficit-de-atencion-en-fiu?channelId=12250
www.SFARI.org interviewed Dr. Musser regarding her research on the shared familial transmission of autism spectrum disorders and ADHD. This important work demonstrated that mothers with ADHD are at a 6-fold risk of having a child with ADHD and a 2.5-fold risk of having a child with autism. https://sfari.org/news-and-opinion/news/2014/attention-deficit-in-mothers-raises-childrens-autism-risk
In the community:
Keep an eye-out for the ERICA Lab at local community events!